North Tampa Housing Development Corp.
Improving Housing For Florida Communities
CA Quarterly Review - Summer Edition
July 15, 2020

CA review
  Summer Edition  
   Inside This Issue:
From the Desk of Don Shea,
NTHDC Director and Contract Administrator
From the Desk of Don Shea 1
HUD Notice 20-07 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Eviction Moratorium
HUD Statement of Fair Housing and COVID-19
Updated HUD COVID 19 Resources
Income Exclusion: Temporary Employment from the U.S. Census Bureau
NTHDC Contact Information
Member Spotlight
Streamlining Final Rule
Special Claims Processing Under COVID-19
Call Center Poster

Be sure to update NTHDC’s address on form HUD-9887.

The change of address must be listed on all 9887s going forward or a finding may be issued.

New address:
4300 West Cypress Street, Suite 300
Tampa, FL 33607
Photo: Don Shea It is a pleasure to share with you the Summer 2020 CA Quarterly Review. While our Florida “Summer” seems to be a yearlong event rather than a season, we look forward to it none the less. This summer will be unlike any other. It is our hope that all can enjoy time with friends and family while remaining safe and doing our part to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Our NTHDC staff continues to work remotely to ensure social distancing. When conducting MORs, our staff utilize personal protective equipment and strict social distancing. If you are scheduled for an MOR and are made aware of any COVID-19 positive or exposure please notify the NTHDC staff conducting your MOR. We are actively monitoring conditions and fully adhering to HUD, CDC, State and Local guidelines. We understand the fluidity of the situations that may arise so we encourage you to reach out to us in advance of your MOR. We are happy to assist you in preparation of our visit. We are thankful for the commitment you continue to show to your properties and your residents. We hope you find the information in this newsletter useful and we look forward to working together through these new challenges. Enjoy and stay safe!

Best Wishes,

Don Shea
NTHDC Director and Contract Administrator

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