Welcome to the NTHDC Summer 2012 Newsletter. The current edition of our newsletter contains a lot of useful information on the hottest topics of the season including bed bugs, HAP voucher processing and recent changes to the Section 8 Renewal Guide.
The summer heat also welcomes hurricane season to Florida. We included an article to provide helpful tips on preparing for hurricane season.
Summer also brings back PBCA re-bid season for NTHDC. HUD conducted the current PBCA re-bid process as a NOFA and the grant application packages were due on June 11th. NTHDC is confident we will continue to remain your PBCA for Florida when HUD announces the grant winners later this summer. HUD anticipates entering into a two-year agreement for PBCA services in Florida that will start on December 1, 2012. The new two-year Annual Contributions Contract will mark the return of MOR activity under a new risk-based model that includes fewer reviews for properties with higher ratings. This will make the MOR schedule similar to the current REAC protocol.
I hope all of you have a great summer and we will keep you posted on any significant changes to the programs and policies that impact affordable housing.
Cheers,Shawn D. SteenNTHDC State Manager, Florida & U.S. Virgin Islands
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