North Tampa Housing Development Corp.
Improving Housing For Florida Communities
CA Quarterly Review, Summer 2015
June 19, 2015


CA review
In This Issue:
The CA Quarterly Review | Summer 2015
What's New on HUD-Clips 2
New Special Claims Process
Call Center Complaints 3-4
Violence Against Women Act Update 5-6
Fair Housing Spotlight 7-8
Hurricane Season 9-11

From the Desk of Don Shea, Director and Contract Administrator

It is my pleasure to present our Summer 2015
edition of the CA Quarterly Review. We truly
hope all of you will be able to partake in the
many activities Summer provides in the Sunshine State. It is always a great time at NTHDC as we are able to continue to serve you as the PBCA in Florida and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

We are excited to share some positive developments in the ongoing PBCA litigation. On April 20, 2015, the US Supreme Court refused to hear a challenge brought by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to a federal appeals court decision ruling HUD could not award contracts as a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). The Federal Circuit mandated that HUD compete these administrative service contracts under the same contracting procedures used by all other federal agencies. What this means is the case will return to the US Court of Claims and HUD will have to consider an open competition in re-competing the PBCA contracts. This has been the hope all along as an open competition allows for the highest quality while saving taxpayer dollars. We are currently awaiting HUD’s decision on how they will proceed but we are expecting a competitive procurement process to follow.

Another item which we are pleased to share, HUD executed extensions to both the
Florida and U.S. Virgin Islands PBCA contracts. These extensions ensure NTHDC will remain as PBCA through at least June 30, 2016. There are three remaining six month extensions which could extend the contracts through December 31, 2017, if HUD so chooses. We appreciate all of your support and we look forward to our continued partnership in ensuring we do all we can to promote affordable housing.

Don Shea

NTHDC Director and Contract Administrator, Florida & U.S. Virgin Islands

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