North Tampa Housing Development Corp.
Improving Housing For Florida Communities
CA Quarterly Review, Spring 2014
March 19, 2014


CA review

In This Issue:
The CA Quarterly Review | Spring 2014

Proposed Changes to the Section 8 Renewal Guide 2-3
The NTHDC Contact Center is Here to Help3
HUD Releases Proposed FY2015 Budget4
What’s New on HUDClips4
TRACS ROB Clarification5
Change in Calculation of Surplus Cash for Some Projects5
Owners with December 31, 2013 FYE Given Extension7
NTHDC Partners with Industry Groups to Provide Training7

From the Desk of Don Shea, Director and Contract Administrator

I hope this year has gotten off to a great start for everyone. It’s hard to believe a quarter of the year is already coming to a close.

Spring is the best time to get outdoors and experience all wonderful things our corner of the world has to offer before the Summer heat and rain showers make their daily presence felt.

We feel privileged to continue to serve as the PBCA in Florida and the U.S Virgin Islands. We understand the importance of your role maintaining af-fordable housing for those in need, and we will continue to do all we can to assist you in the various facets of the Project Based Section 8 program.

We recently presented MOR and EIV training sessions at Leading Age Regional Meetings in Jacksonville, Tampa and Miami. And in April we will be presenting MOR and Special Claims training sessions at the SAHMA State Meeting in Jacksonville.

HUD exercised a three month extension under the PBCA Annual Con-tributions Contract (PB-ACC) which extended our PBCA contracts in Florida and the U.S. Virgin Islands through June 30, 2014. We’re pleased to continue to serve as your PBCA, and are optimistic that we will do so for years to come.

Warmest Regards,

Don Shea

Director and Contract Administrator, NTHDC

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