Housing Notice H 2011-01, Notice Requiring Owners with Project-Based Section 8 Rental Assistance Contracts or Section 202 or 811 Project Rental Assistance Contracts to Obtain Dun and Bradstreet Numbering System (DUNS) and to register in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) was published 1/5/2011, and previously provided to you. This notice requires owners to provide the Attachment A within 60 days of the publication date of this Notice (March 6, 2011) to the local HUD Office. We request that you provide the Certification in Attachment A to Eleanor Hammonds or Monette Johnson (Funding Specialists) in the Jacksonville Program Center along with a copy of the certification to your HUD Project Manager in the appropriate HUD Office. Please feel free to provide an electronic copy (pdf) of this signed certification via email. Ms. Hammonds and Ms. Johnson will coordinate the receipt of this important information to prevent any delays in HAP/PAC/PRAC payments to owners. If you have any difficulties with obtaining the DUNS Number or registering in the CCR System, you may contact Ms. Hammonds or Ms. Johnson at the numbers provided below: