Effective 8/1/2014, NTHDC began accepting voucher transmissions in both TRACS 202D and 202C formats. HUD will allow a Parallel Process from 8/1/2014 through 1/31/2015 (September Voucher – February Voucher). TRACS 202D will be incorporated to include changes with the current HUD handbook, revision notices, and other controlling documents, including changes to new forms and formatting requirements for certifications (50059/50059-A).
TRACS Website and Reference Material:
The final TRACS 202D specification documents and implementation schedule have been posted to the TRACS webpage. http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/housing/mfh/trx/trxsum
Please be sure to attend all meetings hosted by your software vendor to ensure compatibility and minimize voucher discrepancies during this transition period.
Please contact your Contract Specialist if you have any questions.