HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing has issued COVID-19 Supplemental Payments (CSP) totaling more than $20 million to the owners/agents with Section 8 project based rental assistance and Section 202 contracts who applied for the fourth round of this CARES Act funding this past fall.
The COVID-19 Supplemental Payments Housing Notice made supplemental operating funds available to owners/agents of multifamily assisted properties for protecting residents and staff from COVID-19. This latest round gave owners increased flexibility when using these funds to combat COVID-19, including eligible expenses for limited types of capital investments, such as Broadband Wi-Fi infrastructure.
Click here to see how owners around the country used CSP funds to prevent and respond to COVID.
Status Updates For the owners who have not yet received decision notification emails, please note that HUD anticipates queuing additional payments by the end of this week. For owners who have not yet received an approval or denial notification, they can expect to receive an email communication from HUD within the next week.