Important EIV System Information
Computer Matching with HHS/NDNH Delay
Due to technical challenges, there will be a delay in the regularly scheduled computer matching with Health and Human Services (HHS)/National Data of New Hires (NDNH). As a result, Income Reports containing new hires, federal/non-federal wages, and unemployment data will not be updated in the Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) system used by owners of Multifamily properties during November and December 2018.
However, Social Security related income and EIV Verification Reports data will not be affected.
Effective November 5, 2018, Owners/Agents (OA) must refer to Chapter 5-13 of HUD Handbook 4350.3 for the hierarchy of acceptable forms of verification for the affected income data.
For compliance monitoring purposes, copies of EIV reports containing outdated data must be retained in accordance with Chapter 9-14 of HUD Handbook 4350.3.
A copy of this RHIIP Listserv message should accompany the retained reports for explanatory purposes.
We apologize for this inconvenience and will advise when the issue has been corrected.