NTHDC processing during COVID-19.
NTHDC will be handling all processes remotely. We anticipate no change in service level at this time. To facilitate these accommodations and assure maximum availability, our staff are able to:
- Securely work on any PBCA related work product remotely
- Have access to their e-mail accounts and their office phones will be forwarded
In the past, Owners and Agents and HUD have been notified to send documents electronically if at all possible, and to utilize the main PBCA e-mail at tampageneralmailbox@cgifederal.com. Vouchers should be sent voucher@cgifederal.com and special claims sent to specialclaim@cgifederal.com. Due to limitations on access to all postal services, there may be some delays in the processing of any package submitted in paper format. We will do our best to minimize these delays but again encourage the submission of all work in electronic format.
If you have any difficulty reaching NTHDC staff during this period please call our contact center at 800-982-5232 and they will forward your message to the applicable parties.
We appreciate your understanding and partnership during this crisis. If there is anything we can do to assist, please do not hesitate to contact us. Updates will be provided as warranted.