In response to the global outbreak and community spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) , the PBCA would like to take the opportunity to highlight the information distributed to Multifamily Housing professionals.
HUD posted a Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQ here:
HUD released this memo from Deputy Assistant Secretary, C. Lamar Seats. “…We are encouraging Multifamily owners and agents, and Public Housing Authorities, to make the information below available to residents. We further encourage Multifamily owners, agents, Performance Based Contract Administrators, FHA lenders, and all stakeholders to make this same information available to their employees:
· What you need to know about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
· Stop the Spread of Germs
· Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019
· What to do if you are sick with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Stakeholders are reminded to ensure that their responses remain faithful to obligations under the Constitution, Fair Housing Act and related regulations. Exigencies associated with important and timely response to issues surrounding COVID-19 are not the basis for unlawful discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability or familial status.”
The PBCA would also encourage Owner Agents to monitor the CDC webpage to remain informed with the rapidly changing scope of information. Specifically, we suggest monitoring the information found on: